Today, my husband had a phone call from a farmer friend. "Aw man, I am sorry to hear that!" he said. Then in a farmerly tone said, "You bailing hay today"?... After they got off the phone, I asked what that was all about, he told me that this man's mother-in-law had just died. I said, "I can't believe he is actually going to bale hay today, what did he tell you"?..... "He is going to call me if needs help"......
I mumbled under my breath as I cleared the dinner dishes, "I hope there is no hay on the ground when I kick out",,,, he mumbles back as he walks away to his chair,,,,"if it is,, you will just have to wait.. HAY WILL RUIN"... Aaaaagh! please if I die, ask him immediately if he had hay on the ground,,, the morgue will let me rot while they are trying to reach him on his cell phone in the hay field. At least come and help him get through so he can take an afternoon, no make that morning, because you can't bale with dew on the ground, to bury me....