I also bought a serger the weekend of the money spending. I was planning to go back to the store last weekend so they could show me how to thread it... Well,.,,, horrible weather had me in the storm pit all Saturday. So my chance to go to "sewing school" was over for a week.
Sunday I decided to read the instructions and figure it out.... Monday I redid it before dancing with the stars.
Tuesday I redid it, still getting these BIG loopy loops instead of nice serged edges.... UUUUgGGGHHHH! Major Frustration!!!!! Wednesday I totally redid it again and decided that I was going to try and go by the the sewing store and look at the way that serger is threaded before I got my hair done.... Got home tried one last thing and woopeee! It is fixed.!!!!! I am pumped.
Did I forget to say that I also bought a quilting machine while I was there? Oh yeah! But, I do not have it yet,,,, I got off work late, so I have to wait until tomorrow. Also, I need to make it to Dekalb to the fabric store so I can get the Plain Jane that she ordered.... But tomorrow is another day. Maybe the storms will just be quickies and let me get some stuff done...
We have been working trying to get everyone registered at school and finishing up on final exams... One more week and graduation... I will be so proud!
Shot has had 2 new calves this week. He just loves those babies so good.
Nothing new to show,,, just hanging in there....winter clothes on the floor ready to be packed up,,,, not done... Fertilizer and 2 tomatoes in garden,,,, not finished... The yard guy "weekeated" the flower beds around the azalea's,,, but I really need to pull the weeds... I did finish my online course,, I left work at the end of the day... with ACTs not graded and not mailed.... When will I finish something,,, anything???
I could do it now, but Wife Swap is on and I need a nap...