Monday was a holiday. What better time to go shopping than on a holiday, right?
So, they were having a sale,,, and I honestly could not understand everything that has gone on all week at work... But, you want to know how the Lord is using that machine to keep me working in His kingdom?
I have been eligible to retire from the state of Mississippi for a couple of years now,, As long as I am able to continue to "make a difference" I was going to continue to work... I have been really upset lately and today I just wanted to come home and sew on my new machines and make stuff for people and participate in all the Blogs and challenges and make comments on everyone's Blog so I can win prizes,,, but then I remembered "The machine".... God knew that today was going to happen and that I would have enough and I could retire, go home, ride out my excess days and never go back... but I can't do that,,, I just bought this wonderful embroidery I need to work...
I have always believed that God does not remove us until we are through with what He wants us to do.. and when we are removed or when it is time to go,, we will go in peace,,, not in mass confusion...
There is more work to be done for the Kingdom.. This is a God inspired machine. I cannot wait to see what He has in store for me and my new machine...
Now I have to find a place to put it and get the stand all together... and did I forget the thread... oh my...
to be continued...